Minimum Order Quantities (MOQ) at Sunrise Jewelry

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MOQ: Sunrise Jewelry provides flexibility with a minimum order quantity of 500 pieces for stainless steel jewelry.

Advantages: This higher MOQ for stainless steel jewelry may be suitable for retailers, wholesalers, or businesses looking to order in larger quantities for inventory or distribution.

Copper Jewelry

MOQ: The minimum order quantity for copper jewelry is set at 30 pieces.

Benefits: This moderate MOQ allows for a balance between bulk ordering and catering to businesses of varying sizes or individual buyers.

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MOQ Range: Sunrise Jewelry offers flexibility with a minimum order quantity ranging from 20 to 30 pieces for silver jewelry.

Advantages: This flexibility caters to different business scales and individual preferences, allowing for customization and market testing.

Gold Jewelry

MOQ: For gold jewelry, Sunrise Jewelry maintains a low minimum order quantity of just 1 piece.

Benefits: This low MOQ for gold jewelry encourages individual buyers, customization, and those seeking unique, one-of-a-kind pieces.

Others (e.g., Hip-Hop Pendant, Hip-Hop Grillz, etc.)

MOQ: The minimum order quantity for other items, such as hip-hop pendants or grillz, is set at 1 piece.

Advantages: This extremely low MOQ accommodates individual buyers, customization, and those seeking specific, statement pieces.

Additional Information

Customization: The varying MOQs allow customers to explore customization options for different types of jewelry.

Accessibility: Sunrise Jewelry’s MOQ policy aims to make their products accessible to both businesses and individual buyers, offering options for a diverse range of customers.

Why Sunrise Jewelry’s MOQ Policy is Beneficial

Customization: The varying MOQs allow customers to explore customization options for different types of jewelry.

Accessibility: Sunrise Jewelry’s MOQ policy aims to make their products accessible to both businesses and individual buyers, offering options for a diverse range of customers.

Sunrise Jewelry’s MOQ policy demonstrates a commitment to meeting the needs of a diverse customer base. Whether customers are looking to order stainless steel jewelry in bulk, explore unique designs in gold, or customize individual hip-hop pieces, the flexible MOQs offer options for various preferences and business requirements.

Contact Us For Sunrise Jewelry Wholesales

If you’re looking for a jewelry wholesaler that will provide innovative design ideas, fulfil your orders on time and within budget, and ensure excellent quality, we can help.

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